
  鲁甸县位于云南东北部,东北与昭通市政府所在地昭阳区接界,东南贵州省威宁县毗邻,南部西部会泽巧家两县隔牛栏江相望,距省会昆明市366公里,距昭通城27公里,距昭通机场和火车站35公里,昆水公路和213国道穿越县境,具有得天独厚的区位优势和地理优势。全县辖9乡3镇,国土面积 1487平方公里,有汉、回、彝、苗、壮、白等民族37.3万人。牛栏江横贯县境南部和西部,水能资源和矿产资源极其丰富,在昭通市“两库七级”梯级电站开发规划中,鲁甸县占了三级。主要矿藏有银、铅锌、铜、镁等。年均气温12.1℃,苹果、牛干巴、核桃仁、青椒、辣椒、麦芽糖、仙人掌等土特产食品享誉四方,朱堤文化底蕴丰富,拖姑清真寺、野石新石器时代遗址和乐马场银矿遗址远近文明;为全国蜡虫、全省核桃、优质烟主产县,绵羊、生猪、黄牛基地县。
    矿产资源: 鲁甸矿产资源极其丰富,金属矿主要有铅、锌、银、白云石镁矿、铝土矿、铁等十余种,其中开发中的银矿金属储量大,品位高达500克/吨;已探明可露天开采的金属镁储量高达4220吨,回收率90%,金属镁含量99.95%,属特大型高品位白云石镁矿床。非金属矿主要有水泥石灰岩、玛瑙、硅石、煤等。小寨自然铜矿金属储量高达3.48万吨。此外还有重晶石、方解石、粘土、高岭土、硅藻土、磷块岩、冰洲石、水晶、石英沙等等,具有丰富的亟待开发的矿产优势。

Brief Introduction To Ludian County
    Ludian, one of the counties in Yunnan province, is just situated where Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan meet. It is the southwestern door of Zhaotong city and the mid-western bridgehead that connects east to west and south to north. Ludian is 366 km away from the provincial capital, Kunming and 35 km from Zhaotong airport and Zhaotong railway station. Within the boundaries of Ludian are the Highway from Kunming to Shuicheng and the 213 National Highway. So Ludian gains exceptional advantages in geography, and under its jurisdictions are 9 villages and 3 town. It covers an area of 1,487 square kilometers and has a population of 373,000. With the Niulan River crossing the county from south to west,Ludian is abundant in water resources and mineral deposits. In the development project named “Two Reservoirs and Seven Grades” for the power station of Zhaotong city, Ludian constitutes three grades. The main mineral deposits are silver, lead, zinc, copper, magnesium and so on. The annual average temperature is 12.1℃. There are lots of local flavor foods that are noted around, such as apples, salty cattle meat, walnut kernels, peppers, chilies, malt sugar, cactuses. The Shushi culture has profound contents. At the same time, there are many relics known far and wide. For example, the Tuogu Mosque, the New Stone Age of Yeshishan, and the Silver-mining relics of Lemachang. Ludian is also the mainly producing place of wax insects (they’re well-known throughout China), best walnuts and tobacco of high quality in Yunnan.
    During the new developing period, Ludian CCP Committee and the government, leading the 370,000 people of all nationalities, center on: “Industry flourishes the country, Agriculture enriches the county, Non-national economics strengthens the county, Infrastructure founds the county, Reforms and opening to the world make the county lively” and quicken their steps to put the four big strategies into effect. These four strategies are: science, technology and education develop Ludian, constant development, townization, regionization, then it has formed the six industrial patterns in economy: electric powers, tobacco, livestock husbandry, potatoes, fruits and vegetables, mineral deposits etc. so as to locate Ludian as the satellite town of Zhaotong and to concentrate our efforts on the aim of building “One Garden, Two Districts”. The traders all over the world will be warmly welcomed to Ludian to investigate, negotiate, and initiate enterprises. We’ll create favorable circumstances and supply service of high quality according to the preferential policies and measures to speed up non-publicly-owned economy wholeheartedly. Let’s found Ludian’s splendid future.
    Geographical Position
    Ludian, extending from 103˚09’ to 103˚40’ east longitude and from 26˚59’ to 27˚32’ north latitude, locates in the southwest of Zhaotong city and lies on the northern bank of the Niulan River. It borders on Zhaoyang District and Weining County of Guizhou province and faces Huize County across the Niulan River.
    The weather in Ludian has the characteristic of monsoon climate, which is a distinct dry and rainy seasons.  It has various types of climate such as the south and north subtropical zone, the south temperate zone, the middle temperate zone and the north temperate zone. Therefore it has a good name of Monsoon Plateau Stereoscopic Climate. It is about 568 to 3,356 meters above sea level within the boundaries of this county. The climate and the landforms are so diversified that it is very abundant in resources and products. The differences in temperature among four seasons are small. It is not severely cold in winter or intensively hot in summer.
    History and Culture
    Ludian is a resplendent bright pearl glittering on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. It has not only beautiful mountains and rivers but also a long history. Such natural environment has produced outstanding persons, and their greatness leads glory to this place.
In ancient times, Ludian was the original place of Shushi silver, which was famous all over the Central Plains. Nowadays, it attracts more and more businessmen and investors home and abroad by all the following: its unique natural resources; its romantic or charming scenes; its plentiful cultural details; its scenic spots and historical sites that are known far and wide; its daily development and changes; ways of life characterized by the minority nationalities; the colorful and famous local products whose high reputation is spread far.
    Social Customs and Folkway
    Human beings have been living in Ludian for more than 4000 years; it has a longstanding history and rich culture. Han, Hui, Yi, Miao and other nationalities coexist peacefully here, and founded splendid national culture with Ludian’s characteristics. Especially in 2003, Ludian Party Committee and government hosted the three chief festivals, Islam’s Corban, Yi’s Torch, Miao’Huashan festival. Such activities strengthen the unity of all nationalities, and glorify the national culture. They are important for building national culture as well as nurturing national spirit.
    Natural Resources
    There’re above 15 sorts of natural resources including metal minerals, fuels and terrestrial heat. The major metal minerals are lead, zinc, silver, dolomite, bauxite and iron ore etc. Of them exploitable silver ranks the most, and its grade comes up to 500 gram per ton. The reserves of the workable opencast dolomite reach 4.22 million tons. The percentage of magnesium content is as high as 99.95%. Such deposit of dolomite is extremely large and of high grade. The reserves of the natural copper deposit in Xiaozhai town reach 3,480,000 tons. It has a broad prospect for development. The non-metal minerals are limestone, agate, silica, coal and so on. Meanwhile, the water resources are very rich. The reserves of the Niulan River, which is 101 km long within Ludian, come to 740,000 kilowatts.
    Ludian has a strong latent development in industry. Through series of important acts such as technical innovation and extension, attracting investment, communicating inside and outside, extending credit and other important measures. Large numbers of private enterprises grow vigorously such as Kunhua Chemical Plant, Haolong Company, Jiangdi Cement Plant, Lishi Food Products Factory, Shenwei Maltsugar Factoty, Yunkang Food Products Factory, Youdian Dairy, ShouShan Oil processing Factory, and Dashuijing Cement Plant. The annual average value increased by 15.1%. With the further quickening speed of the western exploitation, the committee and government form strategies: The exploitation facilitates the big development. Strengthening the development of townization and the private economy. The construction of the plan: “ One Garden, Two Districts” (the demonstration garden for individual and private economic in Ludian county, Taoyuan Aquaculture. Ciyuan Industry development district) will offer Ludian unprecedented opportunities in industry.
    Ludian is an agricultural county. In the course of adjustment to the industrial structure, the government, centering on increase of farmers’ income, stability in countryside, and industrializing development, gives all-out support to build the following industrial patterns: Two Powers (livestock, fruits), Two stabilizations (grain and tobacco), Three advantages (breeds, distribution, seasonal changes), and Six developments (vegetables, potatoes, seeds, oil plants, biological resources and labor force). There are a variety of products in Ludian. The agricultural by-products are famous for a long time. The special local products in large amounts are apples of Yanchi, Yellow pears of Xiaozhai, Yellow oranges of Ximu, Ludian’s walnuts, Chinese wood oil, konjak, Longtoushan’s capsicum, garlic and Suoshan’s Chinese prickly ash.
    Preferential Policies
    Firstly, priority is given to foreign enterprises that use land by taking nothing back except the cost for land compensation and other necessary costs. The land for basic institution constructions (transportation, energy resources, water conservancy, environmental protection, and other basic facilities) and the social public causes (education, health, sports etc.) can be transferred by the administration. The government will give preferential treatment to the investment items that are competitive trades, and the capital is over 6 million RMB. For the items of comprehensive exploitation in agriculture, the cost of using land will be free.
    Secondly, foreign enterprises, if they are difficult to pay the cost of using land at a time, can pay either by installment or by keeping accounts and paying interest after being authorized by government above counties.
    Thirdly, domestic investors of joint ventures outside Ludian county will enjoy the same preferential policies as the foreign merchants have in investment within the local extent of competence. If the sum of the invested money is over 10 million RMB, from the year when enterprises begin to run, the enterprises can partly enjoy equal allowance which is given by the finance of the government according to amount of the increased tax within three years.  
    Fourthly, administration centers will be set up in order to strictly carry out the charge standards of items for investment according to law. The Bureau of the public security will set up guardrooms for those enterprises whose invested capital is over 300,000RMB. Such will help guarantee the normal order for enterprises.
    Finally, Ludian government will set up a foreign capital working committee and build communicating systems between managers and government officials to help the enterprises solve difficulties and problems.

本条目最后由 Nous 更新于2008-05-19 00:44:52 查看历史版本

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